TodoCamera is an app that allows you to easily create to-do lists using your camera. It automatically recognizes text from photos and adds it as tasks.
Press "Add List" in the app, then select "Camera" from the menu. The recognized text will be saved as a ToDo item.
Yes, press "Add List," then select "Photo" from the menu to perform the recognition.
Tasks can be separated by commas ( , ) or line breaks to register each as a separate ToDo. For example:
"Shopping, Reading, Going to the gym" separated by commas, or
to the gym" separated by line breaks will register each as an individual ToDo in the list.
This allows you to add multiple ToDos to the list at once.
Tap the ToDo item to edit it.
Swipe left on the list screen, or tap the icon in the top-right corner of the ToDo screen and select "Delete List" to remove it.
You can long-press the title on the list screen and edit it.
The accuracy depends on the quality of the image and the clarity of the text. Higher resolution and clearer text lead to more accurate recognition.
Swipe left on the ToDo screen or tap the icon in the top-right corner and select "Delete completed items" to remove them.
If you find a bug, please contact us through the contact form.